בחזרה לגילוי מסמכים

הסברה באנגלית על מדינת ישראל...!!


Some of the national and local media often report untrue, half true and distorted facts and analysis regarding Israel and the Middle East. This negative portrayal of Israel influences public and political opinion around the world. It encourages Palestinians and Arab states to continue to pressure Israel by using terrorism and other methods of force or diplomatic isolation instead of resolving the conflict diplomatically.
HASBARA Israel Media Response is a community-based, grassroots organization which is leading a community wide campaign to combat negative media coverage and to encourage full and accurate reporting about the Middle East. The campaign is focusing on the local media, both printed and on the air and in cyberspace.
The immediate goals of the campaign are:

- To provide daily information to the community about biased or inaccurate reporting and also about careful and correct reporting, and about editing choices in the major local papers (radio and TV programs will follow in the future)

- To encourage and facilitate a high volume of pro-Israel letter writing to the editors of the local newspapers

- To publish pro-Israel articles on the op-ed pages of local papers
- To develop a media relations strategy and long-term media relationships in our community.

Many reports in the media are untrue or half true or use misleading language or pictures. They do not acknowledge that their sources are being controlled by the Palestinian political system. Some stories or series fail to show that another side of the reported situation exists and has newsworthy merit. Our endeavor serves the pro-Israel and pro-accuracy community and helps Israel in the short- and long- run because the more pro-Israel letters the newspapers receive, (it is not necessary that they all get published to be effective), the more sensitive they will become to our concerns. Furthermore, politicians read letters in local papers to see what their voters are saying, and they evaluate their policies and priorities accordingly.
Of course public opinion in our larger community--where we live, work and raise our families--is influenced by what people read. So let's get our ideas out there.
In this unique and precarious point in Israel's history, please join the Israel Media Response Team. Help counteract biased coverage against Israel and build pro-Israel understanding in the media.

For more information contact:

Francois Nazarian (Israel)

Hasbara City Tower- (box 46) 14 zisman Ramat-Gan Israel

Email: [email protected]

Site: http://www.hasbara.us

If you would like to be removed from this action mailing list please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line remove.

WWW.HASBARA.US - "is a fast-action website dedicated to ensuring that Israel receives fair media coverage. We scrutinize the media for anti-Israel bias, and then mobilize subscribers to complain directly to the news agency concerned.


Hasbara needs you to...

Hasbara.US was designed and has been operated by a group of volunteers

What is really going on in the internet (This is Anti-Israeli site).



Exemples of site: Arafat Finance:





http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Web_Links& file=index&req=viewlink&cid=2

boycottisrael.co.uk to end the Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza
Useful Links...
People who want to find out about what is really going on in Israel / Palestine - and what they can do about it - are ill-served by mainstream media. Here are some fantastic sources of information which I have discovered over many months... about the Occupation, the resistance to it, and how you can fight back.

1. Boycott Israel (mainly UK)

2. International Boycott

3. Company campaigns & info

4. Academic Boycott

5. News and comment

6. Jewish campaigns

7. IDF Refusniks

8. Land conflicts

9. Campaigns

10. Campaign resources

11. Official information

12. Pro-Israel sites

Boycott Israel !
Like millions of other British people (including many Jewish people) I am appalled by the war crimes and other outrages committed by Israel in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza - and by the soft-pedalling of Governments (especially the USA and the UK) which ignore or downplay even the most flagrant outrages against justice, law and humanity...

But what can we do to stop the summary executions, the torturing, the detentions without trial, the destruction of homes, orchards and civilian infratructure, the armed theft of Palestinian farms, houses, villages and entire urban areas, the targetting of children and ambulances by IDF snipers, that is being wrought by a Israeli state in thrall to a vicious minority of fundamentalist Zionists, backed to the hilt by the World's only super-power

Stop supporting Israel's economy
My best answer to is to boycott Israel - to hit the Israeli economy by refusing to buy Israeli goods or the products of companies that support Israel and the Occupation. Every time you buy a Carmel avocado or Jaffa orange, that is giving Israel money with which to imprison and kill Palestinians, and to finance the theft of their land.
The EU also gives Israel privileged access to its markets. This is meant to exclude produce from the Occupied Territories but re-labelling of these illegal goods, such as wine from the Golan Heights, is routine. Companies involved in this racket have included Selfridges, Sainsbury, Marks & Spencer and Harrods. Safeway, incredibly, states (May 2002) that "Safeway has taken no decision to refuse to stock products made in Israel or the occupied territories and has no intention of doing so".

Now its time to stop buying anything from Israel, or from companies that support Israel - and to campaign against Israeli export privileges to the EU.

This site is not anti-Jewish - how could it be when so many Jewish people are courrageously opposing their own Government's disgraceful excesses and themselves suffering beatings and arrests for so doing? Just look at all the Jewish / Israeli sites listed on this page!

We also believe that 'suicide bombing' is wrong. These attacks are horrendous, they murder and maim the innocent as much as the guilty, and gives the Israeli Government excuses for its violence against the Palestinian people. But to get the scale of violence from each side in perspective...

By the time the first Israeli was killed in a suicide bombing on March 1 2001, more than 5 months into Intifada 2, over 400 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli soldiers, police, and settlers. By June 2002, suicide bombers had killed 242 Israelis. However 248 Palestinians were killed by Israelis in a single month, March 2002.

This website is dedicated to the human rights of all peoples or whatever race, creed, sex or nationality, and against violence as means of solving problems.

1. Boycott Israel (mainly UK)
The BIG Campaign (UK) - a fine introduction to the whys, wheres and hows of boycotting Israeli goods in the UK.
Download the Boycott Israel poster as a .pdf you can print out at home.
The Inminds Boycott News pages - with all the latest news from boycott campaigns around the world.
The Friends of Al-Aqsa boycott pages have information about specific companies and their commercial & political links with Israel.
ISM London is the UK branch of the International Solidarity Movement, which organises volunteers to act as observers & human shields to prevent war crimes against the Palestinian people, and to help farmers bring in their crops, such as olives.
Israel Boycott Launched, July 4 2001.
An informative list of Products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.
war crime wines on sale in Sainsbury's, Harrods, Selfridges, alleges CAABU (Feb 2002) - from illegal settlements on Palestinian land.

The Inminds campaign to Boycott Israel. Much essential information on specific companies such as M&S, Coca Cola, Sara Lee, News International...
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign's Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) page.
Campaign Against Arms Trade has a campaign to stop the UK's export of armaments to Israel, for example, clever bits that go into the F16s that are used to bom and terrorise Palestinians.
Group 4 Falck owns a controlling stake in Hashmira, an Israeli security company which has close links with the Israeli Government. Until exposed in this Guardian report (9 October 2002) it supplied over 100 security guards to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, supporting IDF troops in the military occupation.
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign's call for a UK Arms Embargo - yes, good old UK's "ethical foreign policy" does not prevent it from helping the US to arm war criminal Israel...
Why I am boycotting Israel - a personal view. Includes a valuable bar chart containing month-by-month comparison of the numbers of Israelis and Palestinains killed in the conflict

2. International Boycott
The Norwegian camapign to boycott Israel is at Boikott Israel.
Boycott Israeli Goods... "A campaign to divest from Israel and to boycott Israeli products and leisure tourism... Many will abandon their support of Israel if their economic interests are threatened." Huge list of mainly US companies involved in Israel.
Scientists for a Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (Just Peace in the Near East) are leading the international campaign for an academic boycott of Israel.
The Danish trade union SID has a Boycott Israel policy - they put together this page with all the many hundreds of email protests from pro-Israel activists, acccusing them of being Nazi, SS collaborators...

Boycott in Pakistan has the why, where and how of boycotting Israel, aimed at a Muslim audience. Entirely in Arabic, so I cannot vouch for its contents.
Campagna per il boicottaggio d'Israele is the Italian campaign to boycott Israeli goods.
Boycott diamonds? Israel is the world's main producer of cut diamonds, with 50% of the world trade worth $13 billion, so the word is going out not to buy them. Find out more in this Christian Science Monitor article on the Israeli Diamond Trade.

To submit a new link for this page, please click HERE

3. Company campaigns & info
AOL Time Warner.
The Coca Cola company.
Danone, yes, the French company who make sugary yoghurt.
The Disney Corporation.
Group 4 Falck owns a controlling stake in Hashmira, an Israeli security company which has close links with the Israeli Government. Until exposed in this Guardian report (9 October 2002) it supplied over 100 security guards to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, supporting IDF troops in the military occupation.
Kimberly-Clark. who make paper towels in public toilets & other indispensable sanitary items.
Marks & Spencer, best known for their reliable underwear, are long term supporters of the state of Israel and Zionism.
McDonalds, purveyors of hamburgers, egg McMuffins and other fine comestibles. The US-based company has 80 outlets in Israel & is a major supporter of the Jewish United Fund which runs "Fun-filled Summer Family Missions to Israel" in which US families get to "visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers".
Sara Lee, the international prepared foods company.
A freelance Selfridges campaign site about the illegal products it sells from the Occupied Territories.
Timberland (who make boots and things).

Apax own Yell, the Merlin Entertainment Group, Stead & Simpson Group (shoe shops) Brands Hatch Leisure Holdings, easyEverything Limited (internet cafes). They have over $1billion invested in Israel.
Home Depot is the US's biggest DIY chain. It's huge.
IBM (ironically providers of tabulating machines to Nazi Germany, assisting the Holocaust).
Intel, makers of the chips that are quite possibly powering your computer (& mine).
Johnson & Johnson, best known for their baby shampoo.
L'Oreal, with a host of top brands in designer clothing, perfumes and fashion accessories (Garnier, Lancome Paris, Helena Rubenstein, Giorgio Armani, Redken 5th Avenue, Ralph Lauren perfumes), is a "warm friend of Israel" with large-scale investments and commercial dealings there.
Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.
Just why should Finnish mobile phone company Nokia be up to its neck in Israel?
Revlon, who do make-up and other girly stuff...
The CAABU pages on Seldfridges and the illegal products it sells from the Occupied Territories.
The Starbucks chain of coffee shops.
US companies with investments in Israel - kindly maintained and published by Israel's embassy in the US.

4. Academic Boycott
University professors call for an Academic Boycott of Israel, affecting cultural links, research grants, conferences etc.
The Harvard-MIT Boycott Petition to divest from Israel until the rights of Palestinians are respected.
The Princeton Boycott Campaign to divest from Israel, supported by many Israeli academics including Professor Jacob Katriel, Technion.
The University of California Divestment Campaign is seeking to get all campuses of the UC to divest their holdings that do business in Israel.

The Academic Boycott petition - Australia.
Delta Galil is Israel's biggest textile and clothing manufacturer, suppliers to M&S etc... brands inclide DIM, Donna Karan / DKNY, Ralph Lauren, Playtex, Calvin Klein (cK), Hugo Boss. Intimate apparel a speciality.
Sign the UMIST Academic Freedom petition - to uphold the right of UK academics to maintain an academic boycott of Israel.

5. News and comment
al-Ahram Weekly
The Arabic Media Internet Network carries an excellent series of essays and features by some of the best writers on the Middle East. New content is added daily.
Founded by Russian Zionist immigrants in 1919, the Haaretz is an independent daily newspaper with a broadly liberal outlook, based in Tel Aviv.
The Indymedia Jerusalem pages are excellent - very up to date, hard-hitting accounts from the Occupied Territories, by residents and peace observers.
Jordan Times
Mid-East Realisties (Making Sense of the Middle East) aims to provide "the news, information, & analysis that governments, interest groups, and the corporate media don't want you to know".
The Palestine Chronicle website, updated daily with news, comment, reports...
Salam Review is an e-zine about the struggle for peace and justice in the Middle East.
Uri Avnery is one of the leading journalist / campaigners writing about the Israel-Palestine conflict and a constant thorn in the side of the Israeli Government. He emigrated from Germany to Palestine in 1933, fought for Israel in the 1948 war (twice wounded in action), and served 3 terms in the Knesset. A co-founder of Gush Shalom, he has believed that Palestinians had the right to their own state since 1948.

Al-Bab Palestine News - a collection of on-line news articles
The BBC Middle East pages.
The BBC World Middle East pages, with the latest mainstream news & info.
Indymedia Israel, part of the collective of independent media ogranizations and journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage of major protests.
For news from a right-wing Israeli point of view, check out the Jerusalem Post - it used to be fairly liberal until taken over by far-right Canadian newspaper proprietor Conrad Black, owner of the UK's Daily Telegraph & the Spectator magazine.
Very interesting articles from many different points of view at the Open Democracy Middle East pages. Always well written & thoughtful.
Check out Palestine Daily for up to the minute news from Palestine, powered by worldnews.com.
The UK-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a very well-designed site with much up-to-date news and information.
Yitzhak Laor - 31 August 2002 - published in the London Review of Books (Vol 24, #19, 3 October 2002), in which he analyses the abuse of the Hebrew language in Israel's presentation of its war against Palestine.
ZNet Mideast Watch is a getway to the pick of the world's media, articles by Rober Fisk, Noam Chomsky, Edward Said...

6. Jewish campaigns
ACRI, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.
Coalition of Women for a Just Peace is a group that brings together women across the Israel / Palestine divide to campaign for peace and sanity.
The Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, publishers of "The Other Israel" newsletter.
Jews Against the Occupation.
There are many Jewish movements whose ideology regarding Zionism and the so-called "State of Israel" is that any form of Zionism is heresy and that the existence of the so-called "State of Israel" is illegitimate... Jews NOT Zionists.
Middle Way is a campaign for peace and justice for all the peoples of the Holy Land. With a strong spiritual emphasis, Middle Way is organising a series of peace walks.
Not in My Name is a Jewish peace group formed in November 2000 to work for a just and lasting peace. It is at the fore of the refusal of Jewish youth and reservists to serve in the Israeli army.
The Peace Now campaign, founded in 1978 by 348 members of the Israel Defense Forces, is the only mass peace movement in Israel, attracting hundreds of thousands to its mass rallies and activities.
Rabbis for Human Rights "is the only organization in Israel today concerned specifically with giving voice to the Jewish tradition of human rights."
Visions of Peace with Justice is a Boston-based alliance of Jews working to promote a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on mutual respect, justice, and equality.

BTselem, the The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. Highly informative & professional site.
Gush Shalom is an inspiring site about the struggle of Jews in Israel against the violence and cruelty of their own Government.
The Jewish Peace Fellowship, one of the few American Jewish organisations speaking out against the violence in Palestine.
Jews for Justice for Palestinians is a campaign that aims to make sure that British Jews opposed to the Israeli policies that undermine the livelihoods, human, civil and political rights of the Palestinian people can have their voices heard in the media.
Netivot Shalom, the Movement for Judaism, Zionism and Peace - "we are in a unique position to counter fundamentalist and extremist political arguments that have erroneously placed the value of the Land of Israel ahead of human life, justice, and peace... "
PCATI is the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel. The use of torture, under the pseudonym of "moderate physical pressure", is widespread among Israel's security forces.
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel is was founded in 1988, comprising some 650 members who combat Israeli health and human rights violations, and strive to ensure equal and adequate health services for all.

7. IDF Refusniks
The AI pages on Israel's Conscientious Objectors.
The Courage to Refuse site - by refusniks, for refusniks.
New Profile is the campaign for the "civil-ization of Israel", mainly focusing on the rights of the consciencious objectors (refusniks) who refuse to serve in the IDF's repression of Palestinians.
This Support Imprisoned 'Refusniks' page allows you to send messages of support to those who have been imprisoned in Israel for refusing to serve in the Israeli armed forces.

Courage to Refuse is a web portal to unite international support for the Israeli efusniks. "Increasing numbers of military refusers are being imprisoned. Please join the campaign and speak out in support of the refusers! "
Oznik is mainly about the Israeli refusniks, also has personal stories and other info.
Yesh Gvul ("There is a limit !") is an Israeli peace group supports soldiers who refuse repressive or aggressive assignments, such as the brutal subjugation of the Palestinian populatio

8. Land conflicts
Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition.
Occupied Territory is the website for the video "Kayam Al Hurbano" (Existing on its Ruins), based on a series of visits to Deheishe and to demolished houses around Hebron during 1998-1999.
Palestine Remembered is dedicated to the memory of the approx 3/4 million Palestinian refugees that have been ethnically cleansed during & since the 1948 war. It aims to make sure that the country they knew and loved is not forgotten.
The Salam activism pages are home to a number of campaigns on illegal settlements, home demolitions...
In South Hebron, the Israeli government and Jewish settlers have been executing a premeditated ethnic cleansing of the Arab population. This plan includes repeated expulsions of local residents, destruction of houses, tents, and caves, sealing water wells, uprooting orchards, and preventing the residents from farming and tending livestock.

A definitive Map of settlements in the West Bank - "This high-detail, colour-coded map shows the fragmentation of West Bank territory and the Jewish settlements... For the first time, it reveals the potential settlement expansion provided for in masterplans."
The Poica Occupation Archive contains well-documented case studies of the systematic Israeli occupation and settlement of Palestinian lands, villages and urban areas. Funded by the EU.
Rebuilding Homes is an international movement dedicated to rebuilding the 9,400 Palestinian homes destroyed by Israel since 1967, by organising "House Parties" of Israelis and Palestinians working together.
Urbicide in the West Bank is a fascinating analysis of Israelֳ¢ג‚¬ג„¢s systematic destruction of modern urban life. The bulldozer is "a weapon in the wider strategy to prevent the Palestinians from creating a modern, normal, urban society...".
A fascinating 9-part study of the Vertical Dimension in the Israel-Palestine land conflict by Israeli architect Eyal Weizman, published by OpenDemocracy.

9. Campaigns
Al-Awda UK, the London-based affiliate to the Right to Return Coalition.
Arab Media Watch campaigns for the fair reflection of Arab issues in the UK media, focussing mainly on Iraq and Palestine.
Beit Sahour, the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People
CAABU, the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, "was formed after the 1967 Middle East war... CAABU has sympathy for the aspirations, achievements and rights of the Arab peoples, especially for the Arabs of Palestine."
The Green Party of Chatham County (GA) Divest Israel Now! campaign is a SE US effort to force local and state governments to divest holdings in the Israeli settler regime and its infrastructure.
Electronic Intifada aims to "equip you to challenge myth, distortion and spin in the media in an informed way, enabling you to effect positive changes in media coverage of the Palestinians and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."
Friends of al Aqsa is a non profit making organisation concerned with upholding the human rights of the Palestinians and the defence of al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
The International Solidarity Movement for Palestine, the organisation organising peace campaigners from around the world to go to the Occupied Territories & bear witness to Israel's cruelties.
ISM London is the UK branch of the International Solidarity Movement, which organises volunteers to act as observers & human shields to prevent war crimes against the Palestinian people, and to help farmers bring in their crops, such as olives.
LAW, the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights & the Environment.
The Middle East Coalition., with mainly cultural focus towards building peace.
The US-based Palestine Media Watch is a powerful critic of the way in which the US and global media ignore the daily sufferings and humiliations of the Palestinian people.
The Palestine Monitor. Good info, but poorly coded site.
Search for Justice and Equality is a human rights and educational organization founded in 1972 which seeks a just Israeli-Palestinian peace based on the inalienable rights of both peoples. Its main focus is on improving media coverage on Palestine/Israel.
The Sustain campaign to stop US tax-funded aid to Israel.

The Alliance of Middle East Scientists & Physicians and other professionals committed to advancing a just peace for all people in the Middle East.
Bat Shalom, Israeli Women for Peace.
Between the Lines believes that the Oslo process, the apartheid reality of Israel / Palestine and the authoritarian regime of the Palestinian Authority are all rotten fruits of globalization which oppress Palestinians Arabs, and Israelis alike.
Coalition of Women for a Just Peace is a group that brings together women across the Israel / Palestine divide to campaign for peace and sanity.
The E-Hippies on-line protest action against Israel.
El-dar is an online shopping mall with over on-line stores (Argos, Boots, Curry's PC World, Amazon etc) and each purchase you make results in a contribution to Palestine.
The campaign to Free Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian legislator illegally imprisoned by Israel in April 2002 and subsequently subject to torture and other human rights violations. This followed a failed Israeli missile attack in August 2001.
Inminds.com (Innovative Minds), which campaigns for peace and justice across the Islamic world. Excellent articles & research.
The Islamic Human Rights Commision are organisers of the Marks & Spencers Boycott Campaign and related projects. A number of reports & leaflets on Palestine for download.
The Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights is is a human rights group established in 1997 by the Palestinian community of Jerusalem. It provides legal assistance and representation to Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem subjected to discriminatory policies by the Israeli authorities.
Middle East Crisis Committee.
The Musical Intifadah is calling on musicians to protest against Israeli occupation through music. It features various international artists who have written songs about Palestine. Great site.
The UK-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a very well-designed site with much up-to-date news and information.
The Sulha Peace Caravan is a multi-faith movement seeking to create peace and reconciliation among the "children of Abraham", holding retreats and vigils, creating Sanctuary in holy places, and bearing witness in Israeli and Arab villages.
Women in Black, created specifically to show Israeli solidarity with Palestinians under oppression.

10. Campaign resources
Al-Bushras pages on Palestine is an extensive set of summaries, links and resources on many of the different aspects of the conflict over Palestine. Run by the Arab American Roman Catholic community, there is also a focus on the Christian dimension to the conflict.
The Applied Research Institute Jerusalem contains excellent geographical studies on the systematic assault on Palestinian civil society and agriculture by the illegal Jewish settlements.
This page of CAABU Campaigns on Israel-Palestine is the gateway to a vast array of resources. Of special note: info on illegal Israeli settlement imports into the EU.
Foundation for Middle East Peace: excellent resources on the composition of settlements and the identity of the settlers.
Amnesty International - IDF War Crimes - 4/11/02 - executive summary.
The Indict Sharon website, launched in January 2002 by the International Committee for Justice for the Victims of Sabra and Shatila.
Fascinating and prophetic article by King Abdullah (grandfather of King Hussein) about Palestine and Zionism wiritten in 1947.
PASSIA Facts and Info: facts about Palestine and useful statistics.
The Rays of Hope site has hundreds of links to selected articles, editorials, opinions, and historical information - a great base from which to browse and browse...
ZNet Mideast Watch is a getway to the pick of the world's media, articles by Rober Fisk, Noam Chomsky, Edward Said...

The Albalagh site has some very interesting articles about the Middle East from an Islamic perspective.
The Palestine-based Alternative Information Centre, with impressive, up-to-date news and information.
Amnesty International is the world's leading human rights organisation. I has a number of excellent articles and reports about the grave situation in Israel / Palestine.
The Arab Media Watch Resources, pointing the way to many useful background documents and other information.
Erased in a Moment: Suicide Bombing Attacks against Israeli Civilians - report by Human Rights Watch, 1/11/02. Criticises suicide bombings that target civilians as a Crime against Humanity - but also strongly criticises the illegal actions of the Israeli Government & IDF.
Amnesty International Report - IDF War Crimes - 4/11/02. Full version.
BtSelem's report on Israel - Israeli settlements and municipalities now (May 2002) occupy 41.9% of the West Bank, with a population approaching 400,000.
Middle East Chronology covering the period 1908 to the present - very useful for checking historical facts and dates, and providing links to key documents.
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict is an excellent introduction to the history and nature of the conflict, by Jews for Justice in the Middle East.

11. Official information
The 1995 Israel-EU Trade Agreement, which defines the framework for future trade accords.
The Fourth Geneva Convention, relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. Israel refuses to accept its application to the Occupied Territories.
From the ICRC Humanitarian Law gateway you will find links to all the international treaties governing the conduct of war.
The Israel-EU Association Agreement, which came into force in 2000.
The Palestine Red Crescent was established on 26 December 1968. In 1969 the Palestinian National Council (PNC) mandated the Society the responsibility for health and social services for Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine.
The as yet incomplete Palestinian Authority website.
The UN's Question of Palestine has much documentation and information on Palestine, maintained by the UN Division for Palestinian Rights.
The UN Information System on the Question of Palestine (UNISPAL) is a complete collection of UN reports, resolutions and other documents on Palestine.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948.
UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East is an excellent source of information on Palestinian refugees.

The EU pages on Israel, with facts and figures on trade, politics, and the EU-Israel trade accords.
The Hague Convention of 1907 and associated regulations, which establish the laws for conducting war on land, are considered part of international customary law and accepted by Israel as applying to the Occupied Territories.
Israel CIA - State Department Files - 9,500 pages of CIA and State Department files covering Israel and conflicts in the Middle East.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Palestinian Authority Gateway provides links to all the various departmental websites.
The Palestinian Authority Press Centre. As you read their denunciations of Israeli human rights abuses, just remember the PA are no angels as revealed in successive Amnesty reports.
Report on the Israel-EU Free Trade Agreement by L. Marc Zell, Adv. of the law offices Zell, Goldberg & Co. Explains the full extent and significance of the agreement: "Israel holds the position as the only state outside of Europe which has established a thorough free trade area with the EU...".
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Violation of EU-Israel Trade Agreement is alleged by Dutch MEP, March 2001.

12. Pro-Israel sites WWW.HASBARA.US - "is a fast-action website dedicated to ensuring that Israel receives fair media coverage. We scrutinize the media for anti-Israel bias, and then mobilize subscribers to complain directly to the news agency concerned.
& nbsp; ;

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מבחן התוצאה.

99 תגובותמיון לפי
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